You NEED a CGM! (Who needs a Continuous Glucose Monitor)

A CGM (continuous glucose monitor) can quickly tell you which foods spike your glucose levels and which foods don’t. It’s worth … Gamot sa Diabetes. Natural Cure.

Can ACV Lower Your Blood Glucose?

Apple cider vinegar is claimed to blunt your blood sugar response to food. I ran some experiments and was VERY surprised by … Gamot sa Diabetes. Natural Cure.

I'm NOT Diabetic. I Wore a CGM. Here's What I Learned about My Blood Sugar

Thanks to Levels for sponsoring this video. To get started, go to and get 2 additional months free on the … Gamot sa Diabetes. Natural Cure.

What I Learned Tracking My Blood Sugar & Why You Should Too (Levels Health CGM)

Sign up for Levels: Levels is bringing continuous glucose monitors (CGM’s) to the masses. Gamot sa Diabetes. Natural Cure.